Saturday, July 16, 2016

Back to the Creek

Back to the Creek participants

Saturday, July 9, was a busy day for Women of Vision. Thirty women spent the day cleaning, painting, stripping wallpaper, organizing supplies and cleaning out clutter at several locations on campus. Beverly Adams, Projects Coordinator, had the day well organized and lists prepared for each location so that volunteers knew what to do. Carol Strevel, Volunteer Coordinator, organized the work teams at each location.  Debbie Bean and Jennifer Bates arranged for a delicious breakfast and lunch and Susan Fendley had tee shirts available for everyone. Leah Smith, our campus WOV liaison did lots of behind-the-scenes prep work to make sure the day went smoothly.

                        Beverly Adams outlines the day                                   Debbie Bean kept everything flowing smoothly

 Dr. O'Brien came by to see the Back to the Creek participants and was immediately given a Women of Vision tee shirt! 

                                                                           "Is purple my color?"

Safety and Security Building: 

The campus security headquarters got a good cleaning throughout. A new bathroom is finished, and Women of Vision plans to add new curtains, shades, and other accessories to make the place look really spiffy.
                                          Every student visits this building.                                                Kay O'Brien wields a mean vacuum! 
              Carol Strevel, Dot Gratz, and Vicki Butler clean the kitchen                     Robbie Pinkerton believes in bleach!

Campus Ministry House:

The Campus Ministry House is a work-in-progress for Women of Vision. On Back to the Creek day, wallpaper was removed from the kitchen, and supplies for the many BCM mission projects were organized and placed in a huge new closet. Furniture has already been recovered and placed in the main area and there is a list of needed items still to be provided.  (See the list in this blog post if you would like to donate an item)
Reception Area-Before
Reception Area-After

                                           Jennifer Bates, Kathy May, and  Carolyn Jensen work in CMH kitchen

Dr. Baumgardner's Office (Update)

Now that the 2nd floor of the Baker Building is looking wonderful following its renovation by Women of Vision, a small office formerly used by Dr. Baumgardner was in need of an update.  After a good cleaning, Beverly Adams built a table and added recovered furniture and lamps. What a difference! Here are some before and after pictures:
Terre Eldridge cleaned and decluttered

A Special Email:

Megan Wallace, a recent Carson-Newman graduate, wrote a heartfelt thank you to Kay O'Brien after working at Back to the Creek. Here is an excerpt from her email:

"Thank you so much for helping make events like the workday happen. Being young and still finding my way into the life long career it means so much for me to be able to give back to the place that gave so much to me. I'm not in a place where I can give money, but I can easily give of myself.

Yesterday was such a special day to me to be able to give back to campus ministries, which is a place that holds significant meaning to my time at CN. I served on the missions team of BCM during my four years there. The CMH was where I met some of my first friends at CN.  It was also the place where I could go and talk to Chad and Nenette as I went further in my spiritual walk during college. 

Then there are the wise words from Dr. Brummett, I can recall from my freshman orientation "Don't focus on God's will. Focus on God and you will know His will." Then his words from Systematic Theology my senior year "We pray with our understanding of God." Two simple phrases I live by today, and have helped me as I go about the journey of life. 

And finally there were the words from Dr. O'Brien from my first night on campus at the candlelight vespers: "Do we sing lies?" Yet another example of what CN has taught me as I have worked in Children's ministry, both on a church staff and as a volunteer. It is another phrase I think of as I am worshiping in church and reading each day. I question myself. Do I truly believe what God is telling me and the words I am singing, even when life hasn't gone as planned. I may not all the time but I should. 

And finally there was the time where my best friends were walking out of Swan in the pouring rain without umbrellas in our rain jackets walking to chapel and Dr. O'Brien was on the other side of the road and offered us his umbrella saying he could go back and get another.

Those are just a few of the things that have made CN such a special place to me and why it is so important for me to be able to give back to the place that has given me so much. 

I look forward to many more Women of Vision events in the future and I am trying to get my friends on board."

Megan Wallace

After "Back to the Creek" Wish List:

These featured projects were not the only ones tackled at Back to the Creek.  In addition to the projects listed above, painting began in the MSAC Exercise Science Study Room, the Yellow House, which Women of Vision uses for storage of donated furnishings, was cleaned out and reorganized. And the projects are not finished! This wish list contains items still needed for the various projects.

If you would like to donate something needed, please contact Leah Smith ( who serves as the Women of Vision campus liaison.  Leah will be glad to help you.  And Women of Vision thanks you in advance!


Campus Ministries House (Project Chair Sandy Presley)
1. Pots for cooking pasta and warming spaghetti sauce as well as 1 to 2 quart sauce pans
2. Donations towards blinds @ $50 each
3. Six photos enlarged (from mission trips) - $80 to $120 each
4. Donations towards new end tables and coffee table
5. Donations towards office quality shelving unit for Campus Ministries House Administrative Assistant

                                              Calling All Volunteers

Volunteers needed for upcoming events.  If you would like to help at one of these events, please contact Carol Strevel, WOV Volunteer Coordinator at carolstrevel In addition to these events, volunteers are needed for the St. John Bible Gallery Reception, October 6. 

Ricky Skaggs Concert to Benefit WOV
  Date ~TBA
Ricky Skaggs is a fan of Carson-Newman and has agreed to perform a benefit concert for Women of Vision sometime in the near future. As soon as a date is selected, we will send out all the details!